Do you know the energy saving potential of your company? If not, it’s high time to address this issue. With energy costs rising steadily and more and more consumers also keeping an eye on companies’ carbon footprint, saving energy can be doubly lucrative. But what are the best ways to save energy and how can you motivate your employees to do the same? We have compiled the best tips for saving energy in your company for you and explain what energy consulting for SMEs is all about.

Tip 1: Reduce heating costs through intelligent management

If you still heat your company with fossil fuels, you should have the heating system checked regularly by a professional. Hydraulic balancing is just as much a part of this as setting the optimum room temperature and possibly lowering the temperature at night. When energy costs were only a fraction of what they are today, heating engineers liked to set the heating system to “mainly warm”. In times of rising costs and limited resources, it pays to lower the room temperature by one or two degrees. Even in an office, 19 to 20 degrees room temperature is sufficient.
For unused rooms, a temperature of around ten degrees is sufficient.
By the way, the same applies to air conditioners. Turn them up a little, for example to 23 degrees. And, of course, turn them off when not in use.

Tip 2: Check home office options

Most companies and many employees have now gained home office experience. You no longer have to ask yourself: How does home office work? These experiences can be cleverly used to save energy in the company. Perhaps rooms and desks can be used on a rolling basis? If not all employees work in the company building at the same time, you need fewer heated rooms. By the way, if you have your office at home, you can deduct this from your income tax in most cases.

Tip 3: Replace power guzzlers

A great deal of energy can be saved in a company by identifying power guzzlers and switching them off or replacing them. In medium-sized companies, there are often numerous machines in the production halls. Check them regularly for their power consumption. Also avoid stand-by. If a machine consumes a lot of electricity, this may indicate that it has a defect or will soon break down.
But power hogs can often be found in offices, too. Maybe take a look in your kitchenette. If you find iced-up old refrigerators, calcified kettles and a dishwasher without an eco-program, you should take action.

Tip 4: Save electricity by switching off advertising lighting

The big cities are leading the way: They are checking which nighttime lighting is really necessary. The city of Augsburg, for example, in addition to switching off the lighting of historic buildings and fountains, even wants to check which traffic lights can be switched off at night.
Of course you want to illuminate your shop window, or your facade. Perhaps you also have an illuminated logo on your roof. But how many potential customers pass by your store between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m.? Maybe an intelligent timer is a good solution for your medium-sized business?

Tip 5: Avoid heat loss

Especially in companies, a lot of energy is lost through so-called waste heat. Uninsulated heating pipes, server rooms that even have to be cooled or machines that stand in front of open windows. There are now two ways for companies to save energy here. On the one hand, insulation helps. Heating pipes, basement ceilings, windows and doors as well as complete buildings can be insulated. This keeps the heat in. Secondly, the waste heat produced can of course be used for heating. This works via heat exchangers. If your company produces a lot of waste heat, you could look into the possibility of feeding it into a district heating network. You can even get government subsidies for this.

What is energy consulting for small and medium-sized businesses?

In order to find out your personal savings potential for your medium-sized company, there is the energy consulting. This is subsidized by the federal government for small and medium-sized businesses. During an energy consultation, it is determined where and how much energy can be saved in the company. You can also have a concept drawn up with concrete implementation options. Again, there are eligible measures.

Who is eligible to apply for energy consulting for SMEs?

Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as freelancers are eligible to apply for subsidized energy consulting. The following requirements must be met:

  • The company’s registered office is in Germany.
  • Your energy costs are higher than €10,000 per year.
  • You have fewer than 250 employees.
  • Your annual sales are lower than €50 million, or your annual balance sheet total is lower than €43 million.
  • What is subsidized and how much?
  • Professional energy consulting is subsidized by the federal government with up to 80% of the costs. However, the maximum amount is 6000 euros.

Saving energy in the company: Not without the workforce

No matter what energy-saving measures you want to implement in your company, getting the workforce on board will make you more effective. No one knows the realities of your business better than your employees. Maybe the best energy-saving tips come from your employees? Probably janitors know exactly which light bulbs should still be replaced and which heating pipes need to be sealed first. Office workers could organize their workplaces in such a way that those who freeze faster are allowed to sit next to the heating. And the cleaning staff could check in the evening whether the heaters are turned down and the distribution sockets are switched off.